What a gift to have such talented artists on our staff! Stop by our D12 Faculty Art Show...you won't be disappointed!
D12 Closed 12.14.23
Our little critters enjoyed a Jr. High theater production this week.
Our preschoolers singing, listening to stories, and solving puzzles.
Congratulations to our NEW D12 BOE and a big 'thank you' to Dr. Monica Furey and Mr. Russ Ross for their many years of leadership and service to Cheyenne Mountain!
Canon School wishes to recognize and thank the many men and women who have served, and currently serve, in our country’s armed forces. We honor them for their service, sacrifice, and love of country; understanding that we, as a nation, go about the business of our days while our military personnel work tirelessly to ensure we can do so. Thank you for your service.
An exciting day for our Cañon preschoolers with a visit from our friends at CSFD!
Our little critters had their Halloween celebration on Tuesday. In addition to the classroom celebrations, our morning classes did a PTO sponsor trunk or treat in our building with wonderful tables set up by our parents and Transition students. Our afternoon students did the traditional parade through the junior high.
Cañon Preschool Halloween Parade at CMJH🎃👻... Happy Halloween, Everyone!
Our little critter wrapped up their fundraiser with the 2023 Critter Crawl.
A big thank you to D12's Family Awareness Network (FAN) and Dr. Steen for inviting Dr. Jessica Minahan to present "Reducing Anxiety in Kids" for parents and staff this evening! Dr. Minahan shared practical, evidence based strategies to apply immediately at home and in class.
Students are participating in the APEX fundraiser and learning leadership skills. Fundraising leaders from the AM and PM sessions got to wrap Mr. Ant up as a mummy.
Our little critter are exploring the outdoors and enjoying fall.
CMHS Homecoming Football 2023 in the books...game ball delivered via helicopter, robust crowd, incredible cheer team, awesome band, and royalty crowned!
Cheyenne Mountain Homecoming Parade 2023!!!
A very deserving honor to the late John "Jack" Chamney and Richard Marold as this year's recipients of the D12 Hall of Fame! Thank you again to the family, friends, and colleagues who took the time to join us for this special event!
This week we made apple sauce, shared books, explored our garden, and used teamwork to build a puzzle!
We are having a BLAST learning about space, exploring the earth, sun, stars and moon.
Our telescopes have helped us discover the night sky and things that are out of this world.
Picture day was this week for our little critters. They had so much fun getting their picture taken.
Our little critters were using our Handwriting without Tears Big Line/ little line/ big curve/ little curve wood pieces to have fun and practice their names/ shape.